Protecting Yourselves and Your Guests in the Modern Age
There’s no doubt that the emergence of AirBnB has revolutionised the travel and tourism space, creating a brand new way for travellers to find accommodation and enabling owners to list their properties for rental.
However, AirBnB’s tech-led business model is not without its potential risks, particularly in terms of insuring your property fully and safeguarding the interests of you and your guests. So, here’s some more on this and an insight into how we can help at Falcon Insurance.
Getting Started – Does AirBnB Insure You?
The short answer here is yes; with AirBnB currently offering some protection in the form of Home Protection Insurance.
This rudimentary type of AirBnB insurance offers coverage of up to £600,000 million per rental in the UK, but crucially this doesn’t cover everything and may leave your property exposed if you don’t invest in a more comprehensive policy.
Not only this, but making a claim through AirBnB insurance in the UK can be complex and incredibly long-winded, making it hard and potentially expensive to cover the cost of any damages.
The bottom line here is that AirBnB house insurance and host guarantee is simply not the same as comprehensive home insurance coverage, so you’ll need to take further action before renting out your home safely.
Do I Need AirBnB Insurance?
Once again, the answer here is yes, as this providing some form of financial coverage is crucial if you’re to adequately protect your home and those who dwell in them.
We’ve already touched on the AirBnB house insurance policy, which can provide coverage of up to £600,000 in the UK. However, there are a couple of huge exemptions with the AirBnB home protection insurance, as it doesn’t currently cover cash, valuables or damage caused by (or to) pets.
Similarly, the AirBnB insurance coverage won’t pay out in instances where damage is caused to shared or communal areas, including common entrance halls or bike stores in blocks of flats.
This creates significant gaps in coverage, so you’ll need to take steps to fill these in a bid to comprehensively protect yourself and your guests.
What Insurance Do I Need for AirBnB?
Ultimately, your first port of call should be to speak to your home insurance provider and inform them of your plans, to see if they can provide viable AirBnB insurance in the UK.
If not, you may need to switch to a specialist provider such as Falcon Insurance, who currently offer the best AirBnB insurance in the UK and can help to provide bespoke coverage when inviting short-term renters into your home.
From here, you can choose to either combine AirBnB landlord insurance with your existing home coverage or seek out a bespoke new policy to provide standalone protection, depending on your precise needs and the level of coverage available.
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So, Is AirBnB Insurance Enough?
Ultimately, AirBnB’s Home Protection Insurance is simply not enough to protect your property when renting it out, as it serves as a basic liability insurance that has several key exemptions.
So, you’ll need to compare the market and understand your own liability as an AirBnB host, while speaking to expert providers like Falcon Insurance to create bespoke and comprehensive policies.
You can certainly contact us today to find out more, as our team will work alongside you to protect your most precious investment and cover it in the event of damage.
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Underinsurance and the Average Clause
Did you know underinsurance can seriously affect your insurance claim and therefore can be devastating to business and individuals this makes it very important to make sure you have the proper coverage you require.