Student Lets Insurance for UK Landlords

Landlords need insurance for student accommodation. Falcon Insurance are the UK’s premier solution.
Our Birmingham based insurance team are specialists in landlord insurance for student lets. We combine a friendly, expert service with easy insurance quotes, to make renting your property to students as easy as fresher’s week. This page contains all the information you need regarding landlords’ insurance for student accommodation and HMOs.

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landlord insurance for student lets

What is Student Landlord Insurance?

Landlords can take out an insurance policy to protect their property. You can take out liability insurance, so that you have cover should one of your tenants hurt themselves on your property. You can take out building contents insurance or insure the building itself.

When you become a student landlord, the easiest way to get an accurate insurance policy which accounts for all the separate parts, is to take out student landlord insurance. Using a specialist service such as the quality and dedication offered here at Falcon Insurance, can give you full protection, should something go wrong. By leaning on our services, you could insure your student let against liability, contents, building, and other damages.

Contact us today for a quote online or call 0121 679 7265 for a no-obligation chat.

Who Needs Landlord Insurance for Student Lets?

The first step to finding the best student lets insurance for you lies in discovering if you need it or not. There are certain situations when you may house a student without paying landlords insurance. If you are a parent, for example, and you are housing your own child, the law does not class you as a landlord in any official capacity.

If you buy property specifically to let to students, then you are a landlord in the eyes of the law. In this case, you will need to buy the relevant insurance type for your business. If you primarily rent out your property for students to live in, this would make you a student lets landlord.

What does Student Let Landlord Insurance Cover?

Student landlord insurance covers you against legal fees, should anyone attempt to sue you. It covers you for emergency situations in the property. Landlords’ student lets insurance may cover your portfolio of properties, and includes both buildings and contents insurance types.

Falcon Insurance can help you find a student landlord insurance package which meets your needs. If you feel you would like additional cover, our skilled experts will explain your options and negotiate a better deal on your behalf. You get more for your money

Is it Compulsory to Buy Landlord Insurance in the UK?

It is not compulsory to buy either liability insurance or landlord insurance for student lets in the UK. There are few compulsory types of insurance in the UK. However, just because this type of insurance is not compulsory, does not mean that you shouldn’t take it out anyway.

Even although landlord insurance for a student building is not compulsory, you must consider other aspects of legality. The law in the UK prevents housing disrepairs from negatively impacting tenant’s lives. The 1985 Landlord’s and Tenants act coupled with the 2018 Fitness for Habitation law mean that you must provide certain things for your tenants. Among other things, the home must be safe, it must have access to hot water, and it must have sanitation facilities within.

If the doors or windows break in your student accommodation and you do not fix it within a timely manner, you could find yourself in court. The court could grant an injunction which forces you to pay for the repairs there and then, whether you have the money or not. A move like that could put you out of business.

So no, landlord insurance is not compulsory. However, you must keep your tenant’s home safe, dry, and hygienic. You must repair the things that your tenant tells you have broken in the property. If you do not, they could take you to court. Landlord insurance would mean you have the money to hand, should something break. Regardless of the size and cost of the problem, the help is there. Nobody must go to court and the tenant receives the repair that they need.

Why do You Need Landlord Insurance for your Student Let Property?

Students have a long reputation as free-spirited individuals who enjoy entertainment. In the UK, this usually involves alcohol. Where there is recurring alcohol, there is recurring property damage. Even with the best-behaved students living in your accommodations, you must consider the facts. Many of the people who will live in your student lets will not have lived alone before.

You need student let landlord insurance because there is a far greater chance of accidental fire if your residents don’t know how to cook. Little safety things which you take for granted could soon earn you property damage beyond your ability to repair it. Things such as emptying the toaster before the crumbs catch fire, or emptying lint from the tumble dryer, can cause accidents through ignorance.

Is Landlord Insurance for your Student Let Worth it?

When you buy landlord insurance for student lets through our expert team here at Falcon Insurance, you can take advantage of years of industry-backed experience. Our fast, effective working practices mean you can have gotten a quote on student landlord insurance quickly. You will find that the cost of the insurance is more than worth the costs incurred by potential accidents.

What About HMOs?

Houses in Multiple Occupation, or HMOs, fall under similar legislation to student accommodations. These are simply properties rented to multiple occupants who are not members of the same family. A group of friends sharing rent in a flat, for example, is an HMO. If you are the landlord of an HMO, then student let insurance can help you fund repairs in a comparable way.

Why Choose Falcon Insurance

Here at Falcon Insurance, we have the drive you need to create solutions which are tailor made for you. Student let insurance should be a simple affair, at the end of which you leave with the certainty of full cover. Allow our insurance specialists to talk you through other options, such as business insurance or sublet insurance. Our team will steer you towards the right package for you.

When you are ready, Falcon will be here.

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